Aikatsu! Next Melody Wiki

Aikatsu! cards are used by Idols. Originated from the system, these cards (or coords) allow the said users to enter a digitally enhanced stage. The cards contain a set of branded clothing, created for the idol and is worn by the dresser. These cards generate with a type, or at times being neutral or multi-.

Per card is divided into a piece, which are; tops, skirts, shorts and dresses, accessories, shoes and etc.



There are four different types; Cute, cool, pop, and sexy. They each wear their own type, sometimes wearing other type Coords for a event or a unit coord which are usually not the type the user Is. These different type of coords have rarity that differs each, the lowest rarity being normal type cards which have low appeal points and lucky stars, they will be mostly used for rookie Idols or a normal concert, as for Rare type coords they are only Included If you get given them by the brand suppliers, It's quite rare but not as rare as many redeem It. Although, there are Premium Rare Coords are only once time made coords for you by the top designer of the brand at hand, you must go to the company building and request It from the brand designer.


Coords are any type of accessory or clothing, shoes to a Idol that are Imprinted Into a Aikatsu! Card which creates a coord, they are used to dress with the dress that allows the Idol with a school card or a Idol card to enter the stage with, If you grow, gain weight you will no longer use your former or past coords you've obtained, thus the reasoning for the starter coords changing every few years.
